Getting through life, infertility, pregnancy and motherhood one kiss at a time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

6w 3d...

Well, less than 24 hours to go before our ultrasound. I had the funniest dream last night. I dreamt that we went to our appointment, and they were just getting started on the ultrasound, and I remember being extra nervous. I remember they saw a sac, and were getting ready to zoom in on something in the sac, and then I woke up.... I never found out if everything was ok. I woke up a little paniced, because I was so ready to see what was in that sac. Well after using the bathroom (darn pg hormones) I fell back to sleep pretty quick, and the first thing I dreamt about was that beautiful heartbeat. All of that has to be a good sign, right?

I have a really good feeling about tomorrow, last time I was a little excited, and very scared, this time I am very excited and a little nervous. Assuming all goes well tomorrow, I'll post ultrasound pics tomorrow afternoon. If all doesn't go so well.... well I'll deal with that if I need to.

Who knew I could be so in love with a cartoon of what my baby could look like right now? I keep looking at my widget(see sidebar), and that little alien is the most beautiful thing I think I have ever seen. I can't wait to goo and gaa over a beautiful ultrasound picture.

Well if you can, send some prayers our way around 9:15 EST tomrorrow, and maybe some tonight to help us sleep. Although that hasn't been a problem lately, I have been crashing about 8pm, and getting up at 6am, 10 hours. We are very excited, and ready to see this little one.


Unknown said...

We'll be sending you good vibes and everything will be just fine. Can't wait to see pictures of the little one. He/she is already so loved - what a great start!
Courtney and Isabella

Unknown said...

OK, so I can't read dates - you are having the ultrasound today. Can't wait to hear everything is ok!